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Transculturality captures some of the living traits of cultural change caused by globalization in highly diverse contemporary societies. Most importantly, it offers a conceptual landscape for viewing cultures as relational webs and flows od significance in active interaction with one another (expanding on Geertz). As a provisional definition to be further explored and discussed in the coming pages, transculturality suggests departing from traditional, yet very current views on “cultures” as fixed frames, or separate islands neatly distanced and differentiated from one another. Instead, it invites, as suggested by Welsh, to view the intermingling and blurry lines between presumably distinct cultures, and carefully examines the “global situation” (following Tsing) of individuals, communities and societies, increasingly drawing from enlarged, tremendously pluralized cultural repertoires, in their everyday life practice and imaginary.

Canada and the Americas: Multidisciplinary Perspectives... - Margarita Feliciano

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